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Showing posts from 2005


Ping-o-Matic! I've been looking a bit more closely at blogging and all that it entails. I'm especially interested in life beyond Blogger and how people create and maintain well designed and interactive weblogs. This site has come to my attention as one way of increasing web traffic for a blog, so I'm going to give it a try.

Friday 5: Misc. Sites

The Friday 5 Hi Subscribers, Here's a quick list of sites that I think are worth checking out. Again, I learned about most of these during the Apple Distinguished Educator Institute last week. The Friday 5 is going to continue in its present form, but I'm also going to be sending out the list via Yahoo! Groups. The reason for this is that people can subscribe to the RSS feed in Yahoo Groups. If you have no idea what I am talking about, don't worry because I will be addressing the subject of RSS feeds and news aggregators in a future issue! If you are interested in joining the Yahoo Group for the Friday 5, please visit Have a great week, Lucy Gray The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools ----- 1) Domino Artwork A teacher at my school just had her students render the Mona Lisa in dominoes, so I decided to check out the web site of the artist who inspired their proje

TagCloud - View Cloud

TagCloud - View Cloud I found out about this free service while looking at someone's blog from NECC. You add rss subscriptions, and a list is generated of keywords based on what you've subscribed to. Pretty cool!

Friday 5: NECC 2005

Hi Everyone, Long time, no Friday 5! I think I'm going to sporadically send out Friday 5 lists during the summer as I'm just too busy these days. Here are a few sites that I've picked up from that National Educational Computing Conference which concluded today in Philadelphia. I didn't see as many sessions as I normally have in past years, so I don't have a slew of sites to pass on. However, the buzz at NECC seemed to revolve around podcasts and blogging, so many of this week's list revolve around those topics. In light of how podcasting, blogging and RSS feeds are taking off, I am now going to try and add the Friday 5 to my blog and hopefully I'll even attempt a podcast this summer. Stay tuned! ------ Friday 5 NECC 2005 eSchool News Conference Information Center NECC 2005 Weblog I wrote a few entries for this blog, but they are not posted yet. Make sure you browse this blog, especially if you were unable to attend t

Web Sites, Blogs Can Boost Your Career - Yahoo! News

If you do a Google search for the woman's web portfolio mentioned in this article, it pops right up. I thought her site had a nice design to it, and it looks like it's done by a professional company. There are dozens of ways to do something similar, probably without spending a ton on a professional service. Anyway, I don't think the content of this article involves rocket science. Most people in my field have already realized that having a "web prescence" is important professionally. I think the next issue regarding personal information online is going to be how to remove yourself from certain situations that may involve details being online. Heck, it seems everyone is googling each other for more info! How much info is enough? And is should everyone be privy to all this information? Web Sites, Blogs Can Boost Your Career - Yahoo! News

BRAVO > Project Greenlight

BRAVO > Project Greenlight Until today, I had never watched this show. It's totally fascinating and a great look behind the scenes of making a movie. Given all the factors involved in producing a film, it's amazing that movies get made at all. I never paid much attention to the intricacies of moviemaking until I started playing with iMovie. It's changed how I view all media... commericials, music videos, motion pictures...what have you. At any rate, I think any teacher interested in working with multimedia should watch this show. Besides learning about the movie business, Project Greenlight is giving me insight into collaboration and leadership as a whole. It's very interesting to watch the director particularly because he's not a very assertive person, yet has definite ideas about how things are done. And, I'm not sure if he's quite clear on the concept of going along to get along. The interpersonal skills involved in a huge project whether it